Health News
Can't Eat, Can't Sleep
It's hard enough to get a baby to sleep. Now, researchers say that babies and toddlers who have trouble sleeping may also have eating problems.
A Baby's Cry and a Mother's Love
Depressed mothers respond differently than non-depressed mothers to the sound of their crying babies, according to a new study.
Pumping Iron and Zinc
Many infants from poor families lack certain nutrients. Giving these infants iron and zinc supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies does not appear to have long-term benefits for their mental skills.
Sick and Abused
According to a study by Swedish researchers, children who are chronically ill are much more likely than healthy children to be victims of physical abuse.
Paths in Psychopathology
Children who grow up poor and with a certain variant of a serotonin transporter gene are more likely to exhibit psychopathic behavior, according to a University of Illinois study.
Abuse Not Silenced for Some
Neglect, physical and sexual abuse is more than 25 percent higher among deaf and hard-of-hearing children compared to hearing youths.
ADHD Medications Appear Safe, Genetically Speaking
According to a new study from the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ), medications for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) do not appear to cause genetic damage.
Share and Share Alike
Children as young as three years old have a sense of what's fair, according to a new study from Harvard University.
Offensive Behavior and TBI
Youth offenders may have a higher proportional rate of traumatic brain injury (TBI) than the general population, according to a new study from the University of Exeter's School of Psychology.
A Different Kind of Sign Language
Researchers have discovered markers for measuring the ability of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to control impulsive movements.