Health News
Predicting Anxiety Later On
Children with anxiety disorders are more likely to be adults with anxiety disorders. But what might stop that trend?
Where There's Smoke and Asthma
The hazards of secondhand smoke to children are already clear in medical research, but such exposure is especially a problem for children with asthma or wheezing.
Crying More Than an Average Baby
Preemies often require extra attention after they are born, depending on how early they arrive. They may also sometimes present extra challenges for parents.
Obese Children Showed Signs of Stress
Stress can affect any of us, and one recent study found that bodies of obese children may be under more hormonal stress than their normal weight peers.
Linking ADHD to Pregnancy and Birth
Sometimes factors in our environment increase our risk of a particular condition without actually causing that condition. Still, knowing those factors can be helpful, for example, when it comes to ADHD.
The Mental Health Meds Teens Are Taking
A wide range of psychotropic medications are available to treat mental health conditions, including disorders in teens. But how many teens are actually taking these medications?
No Link Between Antidepressants and Autism
Women may need to take various medications even while they are pregnant, trying to weigh the risks and benefits of the medications. When it comes to antidepressants, there's at least one thing they don't need to worry about.
ADHD Rates Continue to Climb
If it seems as though more children are being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it's not your imagination. The numbers really are going up.
Screens in Bedroom May Cause Autism Sleep Issues
Sufficient sleep is an important part of staying heathy for all individuals, especially for children. And just one simple house rule may help kids get enough sleep — remove the TV.
Teens' Tobacco Use a Changing Landscape
Measuring teens' tobacco use no longer means just seeing if they smoke cigarettes. A new study suggests that teens may be increasing their use of new or different tobacco products.