Health News

Good News for Parkinson's Patients
Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) may be able to continue taking their medications without risking cognitive decline, new evidence suggests. {C}
Anticholinergics May Carry Surprising Risk for Older Adults
Medications for allergies, depression and incontinence can be lifesavers. However, they may have some surprising effects on mental health.
ADHD Related to Bathroom Issues for Kids
Taking care of a child with ADHD can present various challenges. And one of those challenges could be related to bathroom trips.
Not So Happy With Troubled Bladders
Some adults can't wait very long between trips to the bathroom. Many can handle their condition better than others. But some might feel embarrassed and a few might even be depressed.
Physical Therapy for Women's Bladders
Trouble holding it? For women, physical therapy can help them have less pain and better control of their bladder. About two-thirds of women felt much better after getting physical therapy, according to a new study. The more therapy women can get, the better the results.
Sleepless in the Bathroom
Tired of trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night? For women who can't sleep, your bladder may be connected to those long, restless nights.
Don't Make Your Kids Smoke
The reasons to quit smoking keep adding up. If you're a parent who smokes, the secondhand smoke your children inhale may contribute to bladder problems.
The Good Buzzed Life
Millions, if not billions of people around the world grab a cup of coffee to start their day. Did you ever stop to think it might be boosting your spirits while keeping you awake?
Wetting the Bed with ADHD
Everyone is born as a bed-wetter. As children grow, their body learns not to release urine while sleeping. However, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have more bladder control problems than other children, according to a new study.