Health News

Weight May Trigger Asthma in Kids
There’s an established and complex link between asthma and obesity. But which one comes first in children?
Women with Chronic Illness More Likely to Use Mental Health Care
Ongoing illness can burden the mind as it also takes a toll on the body. Counseling and other therapies aimed at boosting a sick individual’s mental wellness is a common course of action for some, but not for all.
Where There's Smoke and Asthma
The hazards of secondhand smoke to children are already clear in medical research, but such exposure is especially a problem for children with asthma or wheezing.
Increased Depression in Common Teen Disorders
Separately, ADHD and asthma each have been associated with mood disorders. Are patients with both ADHD and asthma at an even greater risk?
Pregnancy, Asthma & Smoking: A Dangerous Threesome
Most pregnant women know that it's not wise to smoke while pregnant because of the possible effects on their unborn baby. Not smoking is even more important for asthmatic pregnant women.
Kids, Asthma and Secondhand Smoke
When a person smokes, those immediately around that person are forced to "smoke" also. If people around the smoker have asthma, the smoke can make their condition worse.
Mentally Managing a Child's Illness
A child with a chronic illness can present a variety of hardships in a family. However, seeking therapy can reduce the mental health challenges these families face.
Depression Makes Asthma Worse
Mental health can often affect many different aspects of life, including physical health. New research suggests that older adults with asthma may have more asthma-related issues when they are depressed.
Where There's Smoke There's Worse Asthma
One of the worst things a person with asthma can do is smoke, or even be around tobacco smoke. Fortunately, fewer asthmatic kids are smoking or are around secondhand smoke.
Using the Mind to Reduce Inflammation
If you're in pain, you probably don't feel great. If you're emotionally frustrated or upset, it can make your pain worse. So then how do you break the cycle?