Health News

Type 2 Diabetes Info
Get Help Managing Your Glucose with a Basal Insulin Option. Learn More
The Link Between Diabetes and ED
Men with diabetes may face an increased risk of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new study.
Men, Sleep and Diabetes Risk
For men, sleeping too much or too little could raise diabetes risk, a new study found.
What ED May Mean for Diabetes Risk
It can be awkward to talk to your doctor about your sex life. But, for many men, problems in the bedroom can be a warning sign for another serious health problem.
Getting Healthy May Improve Men's Fertility
Health problems that seem unrelated to men's fertility — like diabetes or high blood pressure — may damage men's sperm. And men can take steps that can both improve their overall health and make them more fertile.
Low T May Worsen Heart Risks in Men With Diabetes
Diabetes and low testosterone may each increase the risk of heart disease. Having both may push that risk even higher.
Diabetes Rx Shrinks Cancer Deaths
A common diabetes medication — metformin — is proving itself to be multi-talented. It’s an inexpensive, highly effective medicine that does more than lower blood sugar levels. Metformin is becoming something of a star in the cancer world.
Extra Shut-Eye May Shut Down Diabetes
Many of us don’t get enough sleep during the week because of our busy work schedules and lifestyles. Sleep deprivation, however, takes a toll on a person’s health.
Testosterone May Improve Insulin Sensitivity
In men with type 2 diabetes, testosterone levels are likely to be low. Increasing the male hormone may help patients control the disease by decreasing their insulin resistance.
Can Sitting Give You Diabetes?
Are you sitting too much these days? This type of inactivity increases the risk of developing chronic and potentially deadly diseases. Try taking a walk today.