Health News
Trends for Treating a Bleeding Nose
While it may be difficult to know when and where a nosebleed will happen, treatment options are much easier to determine.
Blood Clots in Cancer Surgery Patients
One of the things doctors look for after surgery is the possibility of blood clots forming. Most cancer surgery patients have a high risk of blood clots. Head and neck cancer surgery patients were believed to be at low risk for blood clots. New research suggests otherwise.
Blood Clots More Common in Smokers
Smokers may face a number of serious health problems, including a higher risk for blood clots in the legs.
Which Pill is Best?
Birth control pills are some of the most common medications prescribed in the United States. Therefore, it is important to know about the different risks that different pills have.
Don’t Lose Hope When Losing Platelets
Platelets are the blood cells in charge of stopping the bleeding when people are cut. People cannot live without any platelets, yet some people live with only very few platelets in their blood.
Dabigatran a Danger for Mechanical Valves?
Some patients with weak heart valves opt to get an artificial valve to improve heart function. These valves require lifelong anticlotting medication, but some medications may be more effective than others.
Avoiding Blood Clots with RA
Inflammation plays a central role in rheumatoid arthritis. That inflammation, or swelling, is what leads to joint damage and serious pain. Inflammation also plays a role in certain blood clotting disorders. So could rheumatoid arthritis patients be at risk of clotting disorders?
Crime Story, Law and Order Actor Passes Away
He was a former officer who played an officer on TV. Dennis Farina, best known for his roles on Law & Order and Crime Story , has died. He was 69.
A Simpler Treatment for Blood Clots
Patients with blood clots may be able to cut the number of medications they have to take in half. While blood clots are usually treated with two medications, new research suggests that one treatment may be just as effective and safe in treating them.
Good Old Aspirin Can Do the Trick
Successful recovery after hip replacement surgery depends on good medical care to avoid problems such as infection and blood clots. There are prescription medications to prevent blood clots, but a common over-the-counter pill may be as good a choice.