Health News

Stomach Bug Possibly Tied to Obesity
Obesity raises the risk for issues like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but could obesity also increase the risk for an infection of the gut? Researchers are exploring the possibility.
More Pounds Means More Risk of Stones
Gallstones can be incredibly painful, especially if a person regularly gets them. While overweight individuals are more prone to get gallstones, it has not been clear if being overweight is what causes them.
Heartburn May Fuel Throat Cancer
Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption have been linked to the development of throat cancer. Frequent heartburn also has been added to that list of potential culprits in the disease.
Heavyweight Drinkers
Heavy drinking can burden anyone’s liver. But in people who are also overweight, heavy drinking may really push the liver past its limits.
Stomach Surgery For More Patients
Surgery to shrink the stomach has typically been reserved for extremely overweight patients having trouble losing the pounds. But new bariatric surgery guidelines suggest that the procedure might not be just for the obese.
Unhealthy Cocktail After Stomach Surgery
When the weight won't come off, patients can consider surgery on their stomachs to shed the pounds. Though surgery can be helpful in losing weight, one procedure might have more risks than others when it comes to drinking alcohol.
Heartburn Meds for Any Size
Heavier set individuals are more likely to have acid reflux. But it is unclear whether reflux medicines are enough to stop heartburn and other symptoms in the overweight and obese.
Extra Pounds Don't Affect Heartburn Rx
Overweight and obese patients are at risk for a number of health conditions, including​ heartburn and two kinds of acid reflux. Could their weight affect how well their medications treat those conditions?
Ethnicity's Role in Return of Colon Condition
Treatments for a certain disease of the colon can help to some extent, regardless of patients' ethnic backgrounds. But ethnicity may play a role in whether the colon condition makes a come back.
Teens Under the Knife Lose Weight
Just as adults with severe obesity go under the knife for help, more teenagers are now following suit.