Health News

What Is Sponge Bob Teaching Kids?
Cliques, mean gossiping, name-calling… where do little kids learn these cruel forms of social bullying? Well, possibly children's shows on TV.
How a Bully is Made
If prevention relies on knowledge, how do you prevent bullying? You figure out what child is most likely to become one.
Why Does Violence Affect Health?
Experiencing violence as a child raises the risk of health problems later in life. A new study is trying to understand why this risk is higher.
Low Rate of Violent Disorder in Iraq
Americans have been fortunate not to have the ongoing violence of war-torn Iraq. But surprisingly, one of the more violent mental health conditions is less common in Iraq.
Different Types of Post-Baby Suffering
There is more than one way to hurt after having a baby. Postpartum depression is a real and serious condition. So is abuse from your partner, and the two are linked.
Subtle Long-Term Impacts of Child Abuse
Experiencing abuse as a child means more than a higher risk of mental illness. Researchers are learning that abused children are at risk for various long-term physical issues as well.
Dating Violence Overlooked in Schools
Patterns of interpersonal relationships developed in the adolescent years often form the foundation of adult relationships throughout life. Hence, a rocky start is cause for concern.
Stopping Child Abuse Before it Occurs
An important step toward preventing child abuse is identifying those children who are at the greatest risk for being abused. Looking at the household as a whole can provide clues.
Are Lesbians in More Danger Than Straight Women?
Did you know that lesbian and bisexual women report the highest rates of abuse and assault among women? A focus on gender presentation within this group may lead to better support methods.
Should You Spank Your Child?
Discipline of children is a notoriously controversial topic. The effectiveness of spanking and other forms of physical punishment have been debated for years. Is there a better form of discipline?