Health News

HPV Shot Protects Boys from Cancer Too
One of the easiest ways to prevent more than five different kinds of cancers is to get vaccinated for HPV - but doctors may not be vaccinating boys as frequently as they should be.
Down Syndrome Ups Leukemia Risks
Another heartbreaking fact about Down syndrome is that children with this condition are  increased risk of developing leukemia. And researchers are now beginning to understand why.
Children Exposed to Chemotherapy Develop Normally
Pregnant women undergoing cancer therapy worry that the treatment will hurt their baby's health. But rest assured, chemotherapy does not put a growing baby at risk of health problems, reports a new study.
Ladies First - and Only - For HPV Shot?
Parents and policymakers confounded by the best practices for reducing HPV transmission could look to mathematical models to determine a good vaccination strategy for the sexually transmitted infection.
Low Vitamin D and Early Puberty
Having low levels of vitamin D has been associated with a host of health problems. Researchers now believe this deficiency could have a life-long impact on girls.
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.
Pediatric Cancer Underfunded
A report supported by the European Union-funded project Eurocancercoms says funding for children's cancer research is too low to sustain improvements.
Paternal Cancer May Influence Congenital Birth Abnormalities
A new study finds offspring from male cancer survivors face a slight increase in major congenital birth abnormalities compared to offspring from fathers with no history of cancer.
Certain Vaccines May Help Guard Against Childhood Cancer
Children vaccinated against hepatitis B might be at a lower risk of developing leukemia, according to a new study.
Leukemia: Finding the Cause of the Cause
Researchers at Université du Québec à Montréal  have identified a gene that may improve the diagnosis of B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia, the most prevalent leukemia in children younger than 20 years of age.