Health News

A Hormone Therapy Benefit for Postmenopausal Women
Hormone therapy is often used to ease symptoms like hot flashes in postmenopausal women. But this practice may have another benefit.
Rx to Prevent Bone Loss May Have Other Benefits
Bisphosphonates are a class of medications commonly used to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. Now, it seems these medications might have an additional benefit: protection against certain cancers.
Dad's Age Could Affect Daughter's Cancer Risk
Parents may consider their age when having kids in terms of their own health and vitality as the children grow. But could parental age actually affect the future health of the children, too?
Testing Cancer Tissue Mid-Surgery
Surgeons don’t always know what’s going on inside the body until they get in there. With uterine cancer, an old lab technique may help doctors in the middle of the surgery.
Pap Smears For More Than The Cervix?
Ovarian and uterine cancer cells can trickle down to the cervix and show up on a routine Pap smear. In the future, this additional cancer screening may be part of a normal exam.
Screening for DES Daughters
Regular cervical screenings are never a bad idea - especially for ladies born between 1947-1971, if their moms were given diethylstilbestrol to prevent miscarrying or premature birth.
Does Eating Meat Increase Your Risk For Uterine Cancer?
You may have read that animal protein – particularly red meat – is associated with cancer. The China Study  by T. Colin Campbell makes an impressive case. According to some, the type of iron in meat is what makes the difference.
Gynecological Cancer Radiation Advancement
Radiation therapy of any type can be a lengthy, involved process - often requiring daily treatments over a matter of weeks.