Health News

Diabetes Drug Slows Breast Cancer
What if you could take a drug that costs less than $10 a month to prevent or treat breast cancer? Not a bad deal. Just such a scenario may not be too far off.
Diabetics Are Survivors
Usually a pre-existing condition does not improve chances for survival. For lung cancer and diabetes, that may not be the case.
When Fighting One Disease Causes Another
More and more research is showing a link between breast cancer and diabetes. Yet, only a handful of studies have looked at the relationship between cancer drugs and the risk of diabetes.
Cancer and Diabetes Links
A new association has been established between two chronic diseases - diabetes and cancer - and mice are showing scientists why.
Diabetes Drug's Dark Side
There have been huge strides in the fight against diabetes over the past decade. Patients now have more treatment and drug options than they ever did before. Yet, some of these drugs may not be entirely safe.
Type 2 Diabetes Drugs Linked to Cancer
They are two of the newer drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes. They are effective in lowering blood sugar. New findings, though, cast doubt on the safety of these medications.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.
Weight Weighing Life Down
Weight management can be difficult at any age. It is important to achieve and maintain an ideal weight even as we age because life expectancy can decrease with excess weight.
Weight is a Weighty Topic
Current approaches for weight loss focus on controlling cravings, but resisting can be difficult when there’s a variety of available food. There may be a better way to lose weight.
States are Getting Wider
The obesity epidemic is a hot topic and continues to get hotter. Obesity rates have not been declining and it's literally a huge problem.