Health News

Long-Term Effects of Golimumab in Patients with Arthritis
Clinicians are generally familiar with the side effects of most prescribed medications. However, the safety of newer medications such as golimumab, an anti-TNF drug to treat autoimmune disorders, is still being examined.
Arthritis May Accompany Other Chronic Conditions
Many people are living with more than one chronic disease. According to a recent study, many newly diagnosed arthritis patients may be living with another chronic disease.
Arthritis Limiting Activity for Millions of Americans
You want to hop on the bike, hit the tennis court or work on the car, but stiffness in the joints causes you to hold off. This may be a problem shared by millions of Americans, new research shows.
Faces of Arthritis in May
There's osteoarthritis. And rheumatoid arthritis. And infectious arthritis, childhood arthritis, Still's disease, lupus, Sjogren's disease and many more. In total, there are more than 100 kinds of arthritis.
No Safety Surprises from Humira
Humira (adalimumab) is a medication used to treat a variety of diseases. As the medication is being prescribed to more and more patients, researchers wanted to see if there were any side effects they didn't know about before.
Arthritis May Shape Your Social Life
Arthritis symptoms can get in the way of many social activities, which can affect quality of life. So researchers wanted to know which aspects of arthritis most affected social life.
Arthritic Athletes Still Active
Arthritis is a painful condition that can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. But it doesn't have to put your life on hold. There are plenty of arthritis patients out there who continue living active lives. And some of these patients you may even recognize.
Holiday Gifts for Arthritis Patients
For many patients, arthritis can make it hard to do daily activities like getting dressed, cooking or gardening. Fortunately, there are many tools to help arthritis patients complete such tasks.
Back Pain: Arthritis Within Arthritis
Inflammation is the reason patients with rheumatoid arthritis develop swollen and painful joints. But inflammation is not unique to rheumatoid arthritis; it is also behind other painful joint conditions.
Arthritis Drug has Dizzying Side Effects
Despite decades of use, methotrexate (sold as Rheumatrex and Trexall) remains a first-choice drug for treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. But some side effects lead patients to stop taking the drug.