Health News

Zika in the US: What It Means for Babies
Pregnant women in the United States may face a higher risk for Zika virus than previously thought, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Good News for Kids Born by IVF
For couples struggling to conceive, here's some potentially comforting news about the safety of infertility treatments.
Myths and Facts About Pregnancy
It seems like there’s an endless supply of advice for mothers-to-be, from the well-meaning stranger at the store to your mother-in-law. Some myths may be harmless, but others could put you and your baby at risk. Learning what is myth and what is fact about pregnancy helps you know what you should really be worrying about and when you can relax.
Surprising Facts About Modern Mothers
Starting in 1914, every second Sunday of May has been dedicated to the celebration of motherhood, yet the profile of a typical mother has changed dramatically since the holiday’s inception.
Worst Things To Do While Pregnant
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expecting families, however there are some things that should be avoided to promote healthy development.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Small Risks in Fertility Treatment
Difficulty in becoming pregnant leads some couples to seek fertility treatments. Any medical intervention involves risks and benefits that patients should consider.
Preemies' Later Pregnancies Higher Risk
Researchers already knew that women born underweight are at a higher risk for various health issues. But what about preemies who aren't underweight?
Older Moms' Kids Healthier, Smarter
Most people have heard that it can be more risky to have children after age 35. However, these concerns usually relate to birth complications and not to the children's development.
Good News About US Children
Ready for some good news about kids today? An annual federal report on children's well-being in the US has a lot of it, from birth outcomes to school performance to deaths.