Health News

Don't Make This Car Seat Mistake
Babies on board should see the world through the rear window. Many kids may be switched to forward-facing car seats too soon.
Keeping Tots From Taking Tumbles
To kids, a couch can be a castle, a bed can be a trampoline and a table can be a bridge. To parents, however, furniture can be a serious injury risk to their adventurous kids.
Tdap Vaccine Was Safe Overall for Mom and Fetus
Since 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine, even if they were vaccinated earlier in life. And new research found that Tdap was safe for both mom and baby.
Sleeping on the Sofa May Be Dangerous for Infants
Parents often lay infants on the sofa to keep an eye on them while tending to other things. But new research suggests doing so could be dangerous to the baby.
Parents Warned to Not Use Product Due to Potential Lead Poisoning Risk
FDA warns parents and caregivers not to use “Bo Ying compound” manufactured by Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd. due to the potential lead poisoning risk associated with the product.
Handful of Medications Caused Accidental Poisoning in Kids
Despite childproof packaging and other safety measures, rising numbers of children go to the hospital after ingesting prescription medicines each year. A new study identified the most often ingested medicines in an effort to keep children safer.