Health News

Exercise Levels Low in Diabetes Patients
Diabetes is a disease closely tied to weight, but are patients getting enough exercise to slim down? Maybe not, suggests a new study.
Overall US Dietary Quality Remained Low
Since 2000, US officials have made several policy changes in nutrition and proper food processing. But a new study found that, despite government efforts to promote proper diet, eating habits in the US remained a national concern.
Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence Increased, Especially Among Men
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that more than 1 in 3 adults are obese. And rising obesity rates may be tied to a rise in diabetes.
Pounds Lost Could Mean Money Saved for Diabetes Patients
Losing excess weight is good for the health. But it may also be good for the finances, suggest the authors of a new study.
Heart Disease Risk Factors May Affect Certain Groups More
Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disease in the United States. And some people may be more at risk than others — even if they have the same symptoms.
Surgery Could Be Good Option for Obese People with Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is often diagnosed in overweight patients. The combination of diabetes and obesity can present a serious risk for heart disease.
The Long Lead-Up to Chronic Kidney Disease
Serious illness does not always strike suddenly. Sometimes, it comes at the end of long road marked by other health problems. Kidney disease often is preceded by other avoidable health problems.
Keeping Track of Gestational Diabetes
A variety of pregnancy complications can increase the risks of childbirth and pregnancy for women. Gestational diabetes is one of these.
Rare, Deadly Disease More Likely in Obese Women on Dialysis
Scientists don’t fully understand calciphylaxis, a rare and potentially deadly blood vessel condition. But new research points to some of the major factors linked to the disease.
Weight Loss Surgery Seems to Be a Diabetes Game-Changer
To fight diabetes, patients can make changes in diet and exercise, take medication, or in some cases, undergo weight loss surgery. For the obese, surgery has been shown to cut both weight and diabetes risk.