Health News
Pregnancy and Cocaine – A Bad Idea
It's challenging enough to raise headstrong toddlers. But toddlers and older kids whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy? Their behavior can be especially difficult.
What Do They Say About Big Babies?
So what do they say about big babies? Well, aside from bigger feet, bigger arms, bigger toes and a bigger nose, it appears they have bigger brains too.
Not While Pregnant – Not One Drop
It's clear that heavy drinking while pregnant can harm a baby. But research has been less clear about whether only a few drinks makes a difference. Until now.
Like Mother, Like Daughter – Years Later
Anxiety tends to be more common among women than men, according to various studies. But researchers don't know why. Now they're learning that it may have to do with baby girls' environment.
Common Chemicals a Problem for Kids
Sometimes trying to address one problem can cause another. This may be the case with flame retardant chemicals. They are supposed to help prevent fires, b ut they may cause health issues.
Alcohol and Little Brains Don't Mix
Most women know they are advised not to drink during pregnancy. They may not realize how much drinking while pregnant can deeply affect children's brains even years later.
What Should You Take When Pregnant?
The small amount of evidence available about medications and pregnancy makes it tough for women to make informed decisions. Fortunately, researchers are learning more all the time.
How Early Can Autism Be Detected?
Early help for kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) can be important. But how young can we detect the early symptoms of ASD ? A recent study tracked kids for the first three years of life.
More Reasons to Nuzzle Your Cute Baby
Who is the most important parent for a child to bond with? Mom? Or Dad? The answer, it seems, is either one or both.
A Bit Too Much TV for Tots
Are you used to having the television on all the time, just for a little background noise? That may not be a big deal — unless you have small children in the home.