Health News
Family Problems May Produce Chronic Health Issues
An unstable home could have all sorts of negative outcomes for children. For example, children living in an unstable home may be more likely to have chronic health problems later in life.
Good Children's TV Matters
It may be unavoidable for children to watch a lot of TV. But watching the right programs, with positive behaviors and less violence, can make a difference on kids' behavior.
A Medication Risk Factor for Autism
There is no known single cause for autism. However, certain diseases or medications during pregnancy have been linked to autism. One culprit may be a medication used to treat epilepsy.
When High School Really IS Depressing
There is no shortage of teenagers who will tell you their high school is a depressing place. But some of them may be on to something.
Unstable Homes, Less Stable Minds
A variety of factors can contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Among these may be violence in the home and depression in children's parents.
Can We Lower Babies' Schizophrenia Risk?
Some mental disorders are linked to specific genes. But that does not mean a person with a certain gene is destined to develop that disorder. Healthy practices may decrease the risk.
Reducing Child Abuse & Neglect
It’s not always easy to notice child abuse and neglect. Not every type of injury is visible to the naked eye. Once child abuse is spotted, how can interventions be most effective?
Sleep, Baby, Sleep… And Stay Asleep
Some debates never seem to have hope for resolution. One of those may be the discussion of whether parents should let babies cry themselves to sleep or not.
Kids' Behavior Linked to Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is the term used to describe children who are not sure about when and if good food will be available to them. Food insecurity may affect kids' behavior.
Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.