Health News
Spank 'Em, Ground 'Em or Time Out?
Using spanking for discipline with preschoolers is still a very common practice. But how, if at all, does it affect kids later on? A recent study found that there are some negative long-term effects, depending on who does the spanking and when.
Early Bloomers Smoking and Drinking Before Peers
Puberty is an important milestone on the road to growing up. But hitting puberty early may lead some kids to try adult substances earlier than other kids.
How Can Preterm Birth Affect a Child?
Babies born very early during pregnancy can be at risk of having developmental issues. But how exactly are preterm offspring's lives affected?
Of Movement and the Mind
Children with autism develop at different rates and often in different ways than children without autism. There may be links between their motor skills and their development.
Working Out Development for Cerebral Palsy
All children develop at different rates even if there are "averages" that exist for the typical child. Children with disabilities may vary even more in their development.
No School Worries for Slightly Early Arrivals
Being born extremely early has been linked to some developmental problems. But there is less to worry about if a child is born just a little early.
Fighting Isn't Smart
Fighting could have much more serious consequences than a trip to the principal's office or a few days of suspension. It actually may affect a teen's intelligence.
Too Much Media, Too Little Sleep
Monsters under the bed may not be what's keeping your kids up at night. The real culprits could be your television and computer.
Binge Drinking and Pregnancy Don't Mix
It is already known that drinking during pregnancy can affect the growing baby's brain and development. But different amounts of alcohol drunk at different times in a pregnancy may have different effects.
Making Sure Johnny Sits Up on Time
If a child has delays in motor development, it may indicate a developmental disorder. Parents can learn to understand what doctors are looking for in a child's normal development.