Health News
Painful Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a magical experience that reaps physical and emotional benefits for both the mother and her child. What happens for a woman who has difficulty with breastfeeding?
Never Too Late to Quit Smoking for Baby
Nicotine addiction is one of the toughest habits to kick. Expecting moms have an added incentive: their newborn's health. For your baby, quitting early in pregnancy is almost as good as being a non-smoker.
Beddy Bye for Pre-K
Early bedtimes are a must for preschoolers. They should really have their heads on the pillows by 8:00 PM. Lack of sleep early on could lead to learning difficulties once the bell rings for school to begin.
Moral Reasoning Changes With Age
Like adults, children generally know the difference between an accident and a mean-spirited act. But how they respond to these events changes over time.
A Grimm's Sleepy Fairy Tale
In The Grimm's Fairytale Rumplestilskin, a gnarly fellow stays up all night spinning straw into gold. Children who aren't getting enough sleep can become a grumpy Rumplestilskin too. This sleep deprivation can lead to bullying children at school.
The Dark Side of Sweet
Try to find a packaged food that doesn't contain some form of sugar. Pretty tough to do. In fact, it's nearly impossible. The bitter truth is - we are drowning in sweetness. Food and beverage manufacturers add sweeteners to most processed foods because it's a cheap way to make just about anything tastier.
Accepting Your Step-Parent
Bonding step-family with existing biological family can be a difficult process. In order to make this easier, step-parents should heed experts advice: Children assess their step-parents based on how they are treated and how step-parent react to biological parents.
Drinking while Pregnant Makes Bad Kids
Despite warnings from experts, many women drink at some point during their pregnancy. Now, a new study shows that mothers who drink while pregnant put their children at a greater risk of developing a serious behavioral disorder.
This Mama's Smokin'
Maternal cigarette smoking in the first trimester was associated with a 20 to 70 percent greater likelihood that a baby would be born with certain types of congenital heart defects, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Pumping Iron and Zinc
Many infants from poor families lack certain nutrients. Giving these infants iron and zinc supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies does not appear to have long-term benefits for their mental skills.