Health News
A Nap a Day Keeps Tantrums Away
Skipping a nap - even for one day - has a significant effect on toddlers' ability to express enthusiasm and deal with frustration according to a recent study.
To Work or Not to Work, Mom?
New mothers trying to decide whether to work or stay home with their children may find they actually can get the best of both worlds when they work part-time, according to a ten-year study.
Learn from your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It's completely natural, but many people will try to avoid making the same mistake twice. It just takes a little will power to get your brain in motion.
Deep in the Mind of a Teenager
Are your teens acting out and doing things that aren’t making sense? It might be a borderline personality disorder - this can be serious and needs medical treatment.
The Brain Keeps Growing and Growing…
For a long time, the medical community believed the brain stopped developing during adolescence. Researchers have now found evidence that the brain is still growing past then.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The more that is understood about newborn birth defects, the clearer it is that a mom-to-be really has a great deal of control over her future baby's health.
Motor Skills Key for Infant Head Start
The first few years of life are filled with constant discoveries and learning experiences, giving us much of what we will use for the rest of our lives.
Parental Excuse Needed for Smoking Sickness
So much research over the past 50 years has been focused on the dangers of smoking to the smoker. Their children are stakeholders in this addiction and are paying a price too.
Girls With ADHD at Risk for Substance Abuse
More boys are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than girls. But more of these girls are vulnerable to having other problems later in life.
Easy Screening for ADHD
Attention deficit disorders aren't usually caught until after a child enters school, yet parents often know there's a problem long before that. A couple of tests will help with early diagnosis.