Health News

A Positive Attitude Lifts the Heart
Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking. Patients with cardiovascular disease who keep up a sunny view may increase physical activity and add years to their lives.
Fewer Heart Attacks After Kicking the Habit
Smoking is hard on a person’s heart. Fortunately, quitting smoking can help people live longer, heart-healthier lives.
Stroke From Smoking Is Gender Blind
There is no doubt about it — smoking is hard on the body. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Smoking cigarettes can increase anyone's risk of having a stroke. 
Mental Health Can Affect Your Heart
Many physical health and lifestyle factors are considered when determining a person's risk of heart disease. Did you know that your mental health history could be equally as important?
Smoking Ban at Casinos Lowers Health Gamble
When it comes to heart and lung health, Colorado gamblers may have hit the jackpot. Since the ban on smoking in casinos in the state, ambulance calls in one county have dropped.
Blood Pressure Brain Drain
Having blood pressure that is too high or too low can be bad for your heart, but a blood pressure that's constantly changing may be bad for your mind.
Being Happy Helps the Heart
Most times, it's much more pleasant to be around cheerful people. Naturally, cheeriness is positive, and it could actually impact the chances of developing heart troubles.
A Safer Heart After Kicking the Habit
Breaking the tobacco habit is a sensible goal of many smokers. Meeting that target has clear payoffs. For some, including older women, it also may raise concerns about weight gain.
Stress Makes for a Fragile Ticker
The heart is a tough muscle, but stress can take a real toll. After years of stress, that tough muscle may become more vulnerable to disease or heart attack.
Watch Your Head: Stroke After Brain Injury
About one in 53 Americans suffers a traumatic brain injury each year. This damage in the head may trigger an additional health problem: an increased likelihood of having a stroke.