Health News
Cancer Coping with Mindful Art Therapy
The body and mind go hand-in-hand. Coping and managing stress are essential to beating disease and coming out on top. Mindful practices and artful expression may help.
Fewer Zzz's May Mean Worse Breast Cancer
It's hard to get a full eight hours of sleep each night. But it's important. For women with breast cancer, it's extremely important.
Husbands of Breast Cancer
Men taking care of their wives during breast cancer treatment undergo a significant amount of stress and anxiety. In fact, it could cause men’s health to decline - even years after the completion of cancer treatment.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.
False Alarms and Unnecessary Upsets
Patients with false-positive breast cancer mammograms report serious anxiety and a reduced quality of life for at least one year, according to new research from the Netherlands.
Obesity Costs Take the Cake
Are you at your optimum weight? If not, don't fret. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can do to make 2011 your Healthy Weight Year.