Health News

Fracture Was Hard to Predict in Some Postmenopausal Women
Screening tools can help doctors predict which postmenopausal women may have a broken bone due to osteoporosis in the next few years. But those tools may not accurately predict fracture risk in younger postmenopausal women.
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
Step Up Your Exercise for Your Bones
There are many benefits to being physically active. For older women, one of those benefits may run as deep as the bones.
What Could Sodium Mean for the Bones?
As women grow older, they are often at greater risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. Their diets may also play a part in their risk of bone fracture.
Move Aside Milk, Alcohol May Help Bone Loss
While the apple can keep the doctor away, alcohol may help keep bones from going away. Researchers say if middle-aged women drink a glass or two of alcohol each day, their bones may be stronger.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.
Try Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements First
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Try a different approach before accepting medication as your only choice.