Health News

Common Causes of Constipation
Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement less than three times a week. Here’s a list of possible causes of constipation.
Worst Things To Do While Pregnant
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expecting families, however there are some things that should be avoided to promote healthy development.
The Ways that Wine Sways Your Health
Many adults enjoy some wine at the end of the day to unwind, but that wine may be doing more than providing relaxation.
How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
A Pregnancy Complication on the Rise
The vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated, with healthy moms and healthy babies. But one of the more common pregnancy complications when one occurs is pre-eclampsia.
How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy
Women have all sorts of decisions to make about their behavior during the months that they are pregnant. Some of their decisions can boost the likelihood of a healthier pregnancy.
Where Is All the Mercury Coming From?
One of the concerns pregnant women may have about their diet is the amount of seafood they can eat. Seafood contains mercury, a substance pregnant women should try to avoid.
Having a Snack Between Contractions?
Typically, pregnant women are discouraged from eating while in labor because of possible risks. But that "rule" may be loosening some.
Bigger Isn't Better with a Baby
A woman's weight before she becomes pregnant can contribute to how her pregnancy plays out, regardless of how much weight she gains while pregnant.
Being Big Less Risky After the First Baby
Being overweight and pregnant has previously been shown to increase risks during delivery — but there may be more to the story than just a woman's weight that influences her risks.