Health News

How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Get an Egg, Grow an Egg
The invention of in vitro fertilization (IVF) has allowed many couples to become parents when it  might not otherwise have been possible. But different factors can influence how well IVF works.
What If You Can't Wait to Get Pregnant?
Women who are obese may choose to undergo weight loss surgery. If they do and they plan to have children, how long should they wait to get pregnant?
Having a Baby After Bariatric Surgery
Pregnancy can involve more risks for women who are obese. As obesity rates rise, so does the number of women seeking bariatric surgery to treat their obesity.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Is Obesity Causing Infertility?
Did you know that one out of every three American women of childbearing age is battling obesity? And the consequences of this condition can affect fertility.
You KAN-DO It!
It's easier for preschoolers to eat well when families have the tools to think about good nutrition. Moms were able to do so with the KAN-DO program.
Too Much Coffee Disrupts Fertility
If you're trying to have a baby with fertility treatments, there's no reason to skip your morning cup of coffee...but keep the refills to a minimum.
Can Too Much Fat Damage Your Eggs?
Women undergoing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) should be aware that their diet may affect their eggs. 
Lose Weight to Boost Pregnancy Ratio
Obesity is known to reduce a woman's fertility as well as increase the risk of complications with a birth, but does that mean losing weight will increase her fertility?