Health News

Heavy and Smoking: An RA Double-Whammy
Both smoking and being overweight can take a huge toll on your body. Combine the two together and you might be in store for serious health problems, particularly arthritis.
Counting the Ways Kids Could Grow Obese
Many factors influence individuals' weight. The same is true for children. Preventing obesity is easier when we know what factors increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight.
Replacing Burgers with Booze
Compulsive consumption of food can be stopped with weight loss surgery, but the need to consume can be redirected. Substance abuse is a risk factor for some patients.
Myth Busters: Skinny Smokers
There’s this myth out there that smoking helps keep the weight off. But recent science may have just proved that myth completely wrong.
Quit the Bottle to Build Happy Bones
Beer and wine happy hours can often be so satisfying. But it may be best to leave the bottle alone when helping bones grow and stay strong.
Put the Cigarette Down & No One Gets Fat
If you're thinking of lighting up while a little one kicks in your tummy, this might stop you. Do you want an overweight child?
What About the Children?
Sex! Violence! Drugs! Alcohol! Bullying! Pregnancy! Parenting can feel like a minefield at times, and a recent national poll reveals how important all these child health issues are to adults across the U.S.
Protect Your Heart Without Drugs
Your heart is your body's engine. Much like the engine of a car, you have to take good care of your heart to keep the body running smoothly. If you do not maintain a healthy heart, you may run into problems down the road.
Seniors Unlikely to Change
Healthy lifestyle changes after being diagnosed with a serious illness can improve quality of life. But, people over 50 are more prone to keep doing the same old thing.
Weight Gain After Quitting
Not everyone gains weight when they quit smoking but, unfortunately, about 84 percent do. Making the effort to not overeat for the first few months after quitting could help.