Health News

What Is Sponge Bob Teaching Kids?
Cliques, mean gossiping, name-calling… where do little kids learn these cruel forms of social bullying? Well, possibly children's shows on TV.
Rest Easy, Parents with Baby Sleep Woes
Few things pierce a mother's heart like her baby's cry. This is why so many parents hesitate to use sleep training methods. But take heart — sleep-trained kids do just fine later on.
The Changing Brain of a Neglected Child
Child neglect is just as serious an issue as child abuse. It can lead to serious problems later with thinking, learning and social interaction. Scientists are starting to learn why.
How a Bully is Made
If prevention relies on knowledge, how do you prevent bullying? You figure out what child is most likely to become one.
Is Lance Armstrong Another Fallen Hero?
Ever since Lance Armstrong decided to quit fighting charges of doping by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA ), the media has been abuzz with what his decision means. Is Lance a version of Pete Rose? Barry Bonds? Or Marion Jones?
Do All Kids Act Like That?
Your toddler refuses to move. Every shopper can hear his screams, and your face burns as you struggle to pull him outside away from judgmental eyes. Is this really normal?
"SuperMoms" More Prone to Depression
You may have seen the studies trumpeting the higher amount of life satisfaction found among parents. Or the studies that found lower levels of well-being among parents. So which is it?
Watch for Teen Suicide Signs
While adolescence tends to be a tough time for most people, the experience can become overwhelming when multiple pressures or problems are occurring at once.
Dads Pass “Trust Hormone” to Kids
Often called the "love hormone" or "trust hormone," oxytocin is a chemical that helps parents and children bond to one another and works on children's emotional development.
Subtle Long-Term Impacts of Child Abuse
Experiencing abuse as a child means more than a higher risk of mental illness. Researchers are learning that abused children are at risk for various long-term physical issues as well.