Health News

Meningitis Outbreak Continues to Grow
The list of people affected by a recent meningitis outbreak keeps growing. As of Thursday, the list reaches a total of 170 cases in 11 states, with 14 dead.
Do MRIs Help or Hinder?
The use of complex diagnostic tools is on the rise among injured workers. Imaging can be great for understanding the internal structures of the body. However, when it comes to low back pain, imaging may be a costly and time consuming distraction.
Health Care Costs Cut With Yoga
Many traditional treatments for chronic pain fail to bring significant relief, leaving patients encouraged to seek out alternative therapies like yoga. Studies show that yoga is affective for alleviating low back pain, but is it cost effective as well?
Pain Depends on the Brain
How can two people have the same injury and yet one fully recover and the other develop chronic pain? Chronic pain affects 116 million Americans each year yet the answers to these questions are not completely understood.
We Can Rebuild You...We Have The Technology...
Disc replacement surgery can provide relief to those suffering from chronic back pain by restoring motion to the spine. Unfortunately, current designs are limited in their capabilities.
Is Exercise Best for Low Back Pain?
Chronic degenerative-related low back pain can be challenging to manage. A recent study highlights an alternative approach to the commonly prescribed exercise therapy.
Good News for Short Term Back Pain
Low back pain is a common condition that can affect every day life through discomfort, health care costs, disability and loss of work. Luckily, most back pain is alleviated in the course of six weeks.
Who's the True Pain Killer: Drugs or Chiro?
At some point in their lives, many people will experience neck pain with no clear cause. Yet, there is little research to help patients and their doctors decide which treatment to use.
The Perfect Gift for Your Former BFF
One gift you might want to make sure is not on your list this season is the ShoulderFlex Massager. Though it might appear to be a relaxation-inducing gift, the FDA is warning to skip the dangerous device.
Downward Dog for Your Back
While many people find that drugs can relieve their back pain, medical treatment is not always the best option. Sometimes some simple physical activity can do the trick.