Health News
Have You Been Screened for Depression?
Everyone has their good and bad days. But when the bad days are significantly outnumbering the good ones, how do you know if it might be depression? You seek help to find out.
Anxious and Moody, Tossing and Turning
Managing multiple mental health conditions, like a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder, can be more challenging than managing just one. It can also make insomnia worse.
PTSD Rates of Assaulted Women
Rape is a difficult subject to discuss for most people. But a person who has been sexually assaulted can be at high risk for a second assault — and for post traumatic stress disorder.
Mindfulness and Autism
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that can affect a person in many areas, including his or her mental health.
You Can't Play!
If you have ever worked with children, you have probably witnessed an upsetting incident of a group of children excluding a peer.
Take a Break From Violent TV News Images
Were you glued to the TV in the days after 9/11? If you found it hard to tear yourself away from the grim, upsetting images, they might have had a long-term impact on your health.
Low Rate of Violent Disorder in Iraq
Americans have been fortunate not to have the ongoing violence of war-torn Iraq. But surprisingly, one of the more violent mental health conditions is less common in Iraq.
The Stresses of Coming Home for Vets
They say you can never go home again. But thousands of veterans do, and it's not easy. But that can be a good thing.
"SuperMoms" More Prone to Depression
You may have seen the studies trumpeting the higher amount of life satisfaction found among parents. Or the studies that found lower levels of well-being among parents. So which is it?
Dads Pass “Trust Hormone” to Kids
Often called the "love hormone" or "trust hormone," oxytocin is a chemical that helps parents and children bond to one another and works on children's emotional development.