Health News

Cryotherapy a Cool Trend After All?
Whole-body cryotherapy may not be so cool after all, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Is Cryotherapy a Cool Trend After All?
Whole-body cryotherapy may not be so cool after all, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
How Stress Saps Your Health
Everybody has experienced stress in one form or another, yet many don’t fully understand the dramatic effects stress can have on their health.
Few Spine Surgeons Used Psych Screening Before Surgery
Mental health issues may play a role in disabling back pain that can require surgery, and experts recommend mental health screening before spinal surgery. But it seems some surgeons may have missed this recommendation.
PTSD for Back Surgery Common
Post-surgery recovery can seem like a daunting ordeal before considering the possibility of a related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For many patients, PTSD is a reality, and addressing any psychiatric conditions like depression or anxiety may help reduce the chance of occurrence.
Feel Blue, Green and Red?
Pain will come and go for most people, but it can be more intense if you suffer depression and/or anxiety. Treating these problems can be difficult but experts provide some tips.