Social Anxiety Disorder Health Center

Although social anxiety disorder generally requires help from a medical expert or qualified psychotherapist, you can try some self-help techniques to handle situations likely to trigger your symptoms.

First, consider your fears to identify what situations cause the most anxiety. Then gradually practice these activities until they cause you less anxiety. Begin with small steps in situations that aren't overwhelming.

Situations to practice may include:

  • Eating with a close relative, friend or acquaintance in a public setting.
  • Making eye contact and returning greetings from others, or being the first to say hello
  • Giving someone a compliment
  • Asking a retail clerk to help you find an item
  • Getting directions from a stranger
  • Showing an interest in others — ask about their homes, children, grandchildren, hobbies or travels, for instance
  • Calling a friend to make plans
  • At first, being social when you're feeling anxious is challenging. As difficult or painful as it may seem initially, don't avoid situations that trigger your symptoms. By regularly facing these kinds of situations, you'll continue to build and reinforce your coping skills.
Review Date: 
March 13, 2012
Last Updated:
July 30, 2014