
Engage Your Patients in Conversation on Twitter with Health News and Medication Information

Twitter enables pharmacists to share information and educate patients all in one place. With RxWiki's Twitter feed, pharmacists can easily ‘prescribe’ trusted content to better engage their patients.

What makes Twitter uniquely compelling is its connection to the live-moment. Pharmacists and patients can easily communicate in real-time.

Any pharmacist, in the U.S. or international, can integrate RxWik’s pharmacist approved content into their Twitter channel. To do so, perform the following steps:

1. Sign up for Twitter at

2. Use this feed to get pharmacist-reviewed news

3. Create an account on

4. Use the “Create New Feed” option

5. Name your feed

6. Place the RSS url into the field (Click advanced settings to set frequency of posts)

7. Press Test RSS Feed

8. Select “twitter as a service”

9. This will take you to Twitter and you will need to login in if you are not already

10. Authenticate your account (this will take you to Twitter, the app is now authorized)

11. Create service

Now that you have content for your Twitter channel, share your Twitter handle with your patients and keep them up-to-date on the latest health news and medication information!

For more information on this service and other RxWiki Digital Pharmacist offerings, please contact

Last Updated: October 28, 2013