November 27, 2012

Terry Boyle, MD

“When I was in medical school, my teenage sister was diagnosed with medulloblastoma and she received radiation therapy as part of her treatment. I sat in waiting rooms with her and witnessed tears, laughter, fear and loving touches. My sister’s therapist, ‘Max,' kidded with her on a daily basis, making each day easier for her. A small child with ALL loved my sister and for more than 20 years that child’s mother remembered my sister with Christmas cards. I knew I wanted to be part of this human experience.

“A cancer diagnosis changes the entire family as the impermanence of life is understood. Often people have commented on my profession with words suggesting my days must be ‘so sad.’ In fact, it is quite the opposite. Every day, I meet people with tremendous courage and I witness families being present for one another. People with cancer have learned to confirm the people in their lives and in their generosity they often confirm the presence of their doctors. Oncology has taught me the meaning of compassion. I look forward to each patient encounter as a privileged opportunity to be part of their healthcare team."

Last Updated: April 29, 2013