No Fry-day Coming Memorial Day Weekend

Skin cancer prevention encouraged as summer rolls in

(RxWiki News) Skin cancer is preventable, but it laps other cancers in yearly cases diagnosed. Did you know skin cancer diagnoses exceeds colon, breast and prostate cancers combined? More than two million new cases of skin cancer will be discovered this year.

To heighten awareness the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention designated the Friday before Memorial Day, May 27, 2011, as “Don’t Fry Day.”

"Wear sunscreen to protect against skin cancer."

Sandra I. Read, M.D., co-chair of the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention recognizes millions of Americans kick off their summer with outdoor family fun on Memorial Day weekend.

She emphasizes that "Don't Fry Day" is a reminder to protect skin from ultraviolet rays while outdoors. All enjoy a sunny day, but remember to make it safe for your skin too! 

The National Weather Service in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed a UV Index forecast which informs of the strength of solar UV radiation on a scale from 1 (low) to 11+ (extremely high).

The lower, the safer on this index. The daily forecast is available at Free smart phone applications are available as well.

Review Date: 
May 24, 2011