Health News

This Pill-Free Therapy May Improve Sleep
A bad night of sleep once in a while is no big deal, but it can turn into a serious health issue for some. Many treatments — even some that don't require medication — may help patients with these sleep problems.
Earth to Mars: Are You Awake Out There?
A trip to Mars involves all kinds of challenges for the human body. It would take over a year just to get there and back. How will astronauts' bodies cope in terms of sleep cycles?
Tame Your Tension
Is stress making it hard for you to sleep? Poor sleep can contribute to all sorts of health problems. Reducing stress with relaxation might help sleeping problems as well.
Mood Kept In Order With Exercise
It's been well established that muscles get stronger and the heart gets pumping with exercise. And as far as dealing with emotions, exercise continues to help people keep calm and collected.
When Beeps & Zooms Interrupt Your Dreams
The beeps, the zooms, the revs, the lumbering semis… Living near a busy highway often means little peace and quiet. But constant annoying traffic noise can affect health too.
Cramming For Tests Can Backfire
The big test is tomorrow. Time for an all-nighter of cramming so you can be sure to ace it right? Wrong.
Burning the Midnight Oil Creates Burn-Out
So you figure you got 8 to 9 hours of sleep, so you're good - even if it's spread out a bit with a nap, right? Wrong. Because of your circadian rhythms, all sleep may not be equal.
Liberate Yourself from Your Phone
A mobile phone can feel so important to your life that it's an extension of your body. But taking a break from your phone may help your mental health.
If You Don't Snooze, You Lose
If you're not getting enough good quality sleep, it's not just your energy that might be lagging. Your immune system likely isn't holding up well to stress either.
Sleeping Like a Baby - When You're 80
Getting older doesn't necessarily mean sleeping worse. In fact, folks in their 80s report having the best sleep - better than those in their 20s and 30s .