
What You Need to Know About the HPV Vaccine
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about how women can protect themselves from HPV and cervical cancer.
Calling All Women: Screening Can Save Lives
January is a great month to think about your cervical health.
Cancer Signs Women Might Miss
Many cancers are not detected until it's too late. But there are some early signs of cancer that women might overlook. Knowing the symptoms to look for can help a doctor diagnose cancer early, which can boost the odds of successful treatment.
Six Highly Treatable Cancers
The diagnosis and treatment of cancer has come a long way in the last 50 years. Today, many patients are living past their cancers.
Health Screenings Every Woman Should Know About
Staying healthy requires being proactive about your health by scheduling and attending necessary health screenings. There are some screenings in particular that every woman should know about.
Considering Cervical Cancer Screenings
If cancer could actually be prevented through a routine screening, everyone would complete that screening, right? That is the idea behind cervical cancer screenings for women.
Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines Refined Yet Again
If you're a woman - or a man - cancer screening guidelines have been all over the place of late. Here comes another refinement in the recommendations for cervical cancer screenings.
11 Symptoms Women Shouldn't Ignore
Let's face it - a woman's body is mysterious. It bleeds and discharges and cramps and swells and gets exhausted.
HPV Vaccination May be Your Best Shot
To ring in Cervical Health Awareness Month, let's start with a rather startling statistic: Did you know cervical cancer ranks as the third most common cancer in women worldwide?